Recorded and produced at Paul Gross (Saga) Phase 1 studios, one of a number of bands using the moniker of "Stiletto", this is the only one that consists of all females. The music is good hard rock with a little funk thrown in the mix, stirred up by some great vocals from Carole Couture. Carole seems to be the only ex band member still working as a vocalist (mostly backing) where she also has added the extra name of Olivieri. (related to Michael?) Also believed to front Heart tribute band "Barracuda".(aor-fm)
Stiletto - St. 1992 (Hard Rock) Canada
27 de febrero de 2010, 7:50
gracias, pero los links?
27 de febrero de 2010, 11:32
Anonimo veo que no eres asiduo aqui..anda aqui...Suerte! ;)
28 de febrero de 2010, 13:02
Otro album que desconozco, gracias.
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