Isis Child - Strange Days 2011 (Melodic Rock)


That is actually Horus Isis’ child, the name of it is Horus. The goddess Isis is known from the ancient egyptians and their mythologies, daughter of Geb and Nut she was. Her child was the son Horus which would seem to be the logical name for a band calling themselves such a thing, but maybe they were just thinking of Isis as the goddess of children, who knows. Thinking of these myths the artwork first seems quite good and cool which it still is even though it feels a bit distanced from the story of Isis and Horus as Horus was of male origin (maybe inbreeding can cause growth of wings and female features in a man) so it cannot be him on the cover and even if Isis is the female the hairdo is wrong in the cover art. Still I like the cover art, a bit of mysticism and beauty in one even if the story from which the bandname is contrived is different from the artwork...more info Here!!

Thank U! ¨}{eavy
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