Medicine Wheel - Small Talk (Hard Rock)

For quite some time is the third album of new MEDICINE WHEEL which, unlike the first two discs ("Immoral Fabric", 1997 and "First Things First", 1994) was unfortunately not officially released in Europe. Although guitarist Marc Ferrari (ex-Keel, ex-Cold Sweat) continue making music together with Ray Luzier (drums, etc. DAVID LEE ROTH and Darren Housholder) and Danny Gill (guitar, played with ex-RATT singer Stephen Pearcy at VICIOUS DELITE and made himself now has a good name with guitar audio-books or videos) but with Ian Mayo (including BURNING RAIN, BANGALORE CHOIR and BAD MOON RISING) with a new bassist and David Isaacs (she has collaborated with members of POISON Blues Saraceno and Rikki Rokket brought together) a new singer in the band or get to.

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