Century - The Secret Inside 1999 (Gothic Rock)

1. Here Is The Rain
2. Lost
3. Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
4. Save The Pain
5. One, Five, Seven
6. Between All Time
7. When Weak Eyes
8. The Secret Inside
9. Down On This Side
10. Nohold

Pedido por correo,me parecio interesante como para ponerlo en el blog,muy buenas melodias gothicas!
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Century - The Secret Inside 1999 (Gothic Rock)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Hello, there seems to be something wrong with the link. No files can be found. Could you please check it?

aun sigue sin funcionar :s

gracias! comienzo a bajar el disco! lo estaba buscando! es dificil de encontrar porque buscas "century" y aparecen multiples resultados y mucha basura!


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