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Excelente banda de Hard Rock proveniente de New Jersey. Gracias por el aporte. Me recuerdan un poco a sus vacinos Danger Danger.
1. Fire in the sky, 2. Sitting pretty, 3. Only the night, 4. Rock city, 5. Hit and run, 6. Nature of the beast, 7. Just another nothing, 8. Long legged sadie, 9. When´s my baby not my babe, 10. Faith healer.

SURRENDER DOROTHY: s/t (1991)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
10 comentarios:

thankyou for this,unfortunately it wont let me get it,says that it has reached its maximum number of downloads?

Thanks Adolfo... I can´t download to.

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Thanx for this adolfo,working now

Esta bueno cuando el link no anda la gente se preocupa y escribe,pero no para agradecer,en fin!,son pocos los q se dan cuenta el sacrificio q uno hace y los riesgos q' corre! en esto...POR CIERTO ADOLFO EXCELENTE LA ELECCCION DE ESTE CD!.Marcelo.

Adolfo thanks very much... and Kissmar this is the truth but if the link doesn't run... I think that we must inform you... right?

gracias por este cd y POR TODOS LOS QUE PONEIS

great lp.teriffic band.thanx mick

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