Nursery Crymes was never put out on CD, it was on tape only and might have sold 200 copies. Rox never made big headlines or played in big places, only worked with bigger band Grimm Jack a few times and had some good connections. Rox shouldn't really be on this site with other big name acts because Rox never was much more than a bar band. Anybody who tells you otherwise is lying. I know because I was there.(mike) @
Misty Rox - Nursery Crimes 1990 (Hair Metal) USA
Nursery Crymes was never put out on CD, it was on tape only and might have sold 200 copies. Rox never made big headlines or played in big places, only worked with bigger band Grimm Jack a few times and had some good connections. Rox shouldn't really be on this site with other big name acts because Rox never was much more than a bar band. Anybody who tells you otherwise is lying. I know because I was there.(mike) @
22 de noviembre de 2010, 17:01
23 de noviembre de 2010, 7:09
Hi here @
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