This hard-hitting, New York-based rock/metal band showcases the major difference between the USA's West and East coast rockers; the West is glam, the East is slam. Sporting a thunderous rhythm section, razor-sharp guitars, and a lead vocalist that has all the swagger of David Lee Roth. It is the lead guitar of Mr. Joe Stump that pushes this hard into the edge of metal territory, but he is no mindless fretburner and fully realizes the importance of the songs. This ensures that all is melodic and, amazingly, there are even some AOR-worthy group vocals in some of the songs to prove the point.So, it is now time to introduce you to your (albeit long-gone) new favorite hard rock band... Trash Broadway.Highly recommended to all melodic rock/hard rock/metal fans... and even to the more adventurous AOR'sters out there (just think of it as "AOR, with teeth").TY Fogkhat42!. @
Trash Broadway - Trash Broadway 1989 (Melodic Hard Rock/Metal) USA
23 de noviembre de 2010, 18:17
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