Another very good Swedish band, who, to my knowledge only ever released this rare vinyl single. A-Side "The Rose" is a ballad, and, truth be known, a little boring. B-Side "Come On" is a 220 Volt style melodic rocker, which could have fitted in nicely on the afore-mentioned bands "Eye To Eye" album. Needless to say, the sound sample below, is the B-side.
14 de julio de 2010, 8:06
si saludos desee venezuela pasas el link?? gracias
14 de julio de 2010, 8:06
el link de esta banda colocalo!!!
16 de febrero de 2011, 7:16
holaa kissmar..estuve buscando esto tambien por hardrockcity pero no lo encuentro me podrias colaborar un poco jjjj..saludos ;)
19 de febrero de 2011, 6:34
nice, thanks
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