Shari Ulrich, an American, based in Canada, has a number of albums under her belt of which "Talk Around Town" is her 2nd. The first two tracks are quirky Aor that reminds me of John Paul Age and really seem quite out of place and strange choices for openers.But the real quality of Aor on offer really kicks in with the killer 3rd(and slightly pompous) track "Mad Money" and continues right on until the end of the album. Plenty of guests on this album with Mark Leonard, Robbie Buchanan (Maxus), Mike Baird (everyone!) and Nancy Nash (Agent /solo).
Shari Ulrich - Talk Around Town 1982 (AOR) USA
21 de febrero de 2011, 15:59
I have been looking for this for a long time.
Is there a link to download it available?
22 de febrero de 2011, 8:33
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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