Canadian pompsters who's vinyl debut was quite a collectors item in the early 90's. Then...behold...Germany's,Long Island Records got a hold of the masters and reissued the thing on cd as part of their "Classics" series. Not only that, but they also issued Everests unreleased 2nd album (circa 1985), in the same format. The music itself was good pomp rock/aor that trod the same paths as Saga, and latterly, early Lightspeed.1987 saw vocalist Ric MacDonald exit the band, and new female vocalist Andrea Duncan, join the ranks, but only ever releasing a demo, with the cut "I Don't Know What To Do" ending up on the classic aor compilation, "Hot Night In The City".
Everest - Demos 1987 (AOR/Prog Rock/Pomp Rock) Canada
12 de julio de 2011, 5:49
Thnks Alot My Friend
i tried to find it years now ;)
Have A Rock Day \0/
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