"Nomad" features a allstar lineup including Doogie White (Yngwie Malmsteen), Jochen Mayer (CASANOVA, DEMON DRIVE, DOMAIN), Frank Kraus (DEMON DRIVE) Paul Logue (Edens Curse), Holger Seeger (Midnite Club) Born in New Hampshire and growing up in New England, Iain cut his teeth on the heavier British Blues Rock Bands such as Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Bad Company and guitar players like Beck, Blackmore and Hendrix. Later seeking to develop his musical vocabulary he studied at the Berklee College of Music in Boston where he expanded his musical realm into that of jazz improvisation, eventually to return to the fold of Rock and Blues. Iain comments, "There was something about the pull of ones roots and missing the power that comes with simplicity. Relocating to Los Angeles, he spent a year as a student at Musician*s Institute in Hollywood. "More of an excuse to get settled into LA"..."I skipped all the main classes as I already knew all that stuff from Berklee and basically just hung out and played with Joe Diorio, Frank Gamballe and Scott Henderson." At the end of the year, he was invited on as an instructor which he did for the next six years
Iain Ashley Hersey - Nomad 2008 (Melodic Hard Rock) USA
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